Hürlimann, founded in 1929 in Switzerland, is a brand associated with quality agricultural tractors. It has been part of the SDF Group (Same Deutz Fahr) since 1979, one of the world’s leading groups in the development, manufacture and distribution of tractors. Hürlimann is positioned in the market for compact, conventional and orchard/vineyard tractors, with various powers and configurations..
MOVITER has represented Hürlimann in Portugal since 1992.

This company of Korean origin is one of the major brands of that Asian country. LS tractors are the result of modern design, well adapted to the needs of agriculture in vineyards, orchards, horticulture, maintenance of green spaces, local council works, among others.
Moviter has been the representative of LS tractors in Portugal since 2004.

Fabricados no Japão e com uma grande tradição no mercado nacional dos equipamentos compactos, os tratores Iseki são indicados para pequenas propriedades agrícolas, culturas especializadas, manutenção de espaços verdes, municípios, entre outros trabalhos e aplicações.
A Moviter é representante dos tractores Iseki em Portugal desde 2017.